First released over 15 years ago, the MasterPact NW low voltage circuit breaker has a large install base throughout the country as well as around the world. When the Micrologic trip unit or Rogowski sensors fail, the only available solution is to track down OEM components, which is becoming increasingly difficult. Well, that has now changed.
AC-PRO-NW® brings all of the safety and reliability features you trust from URC to the MasterPact NW family of circuit breakers – LSIG protection, QUICK-TRIP® arc flash reduction, Sluggish Breaker® detection, communications, and optional power metering and voltage protection. New features include remote trip/close, wireless communications, scheduled service reminders, and more.
All of this designed with ease-of-installation in mind and supported by the best 24/7 technical support in the industry.
Order AC-PRO-NW® using our Kit Ordering Guide

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